Kunden- und Projektmanagement dank SuperOffice bei Synprodo

Die Herausforderung
Synprodo bv in Wijchen is the expert in the area of packaging, retail products, products for the climate control sector, the food sector, horticulture and the pharmaceutical industry.
Ein Projekt von SuperOffice Benelux (www.superoffice.nl)
Being a manufacturing company, Synprodo’s systems were designed for our production process. Our existing ERP system could not meet the requirements of our sales department. Synprodo is part of Synbra, with locations throughout Europe, so we needed to find a system that could be applied not just to the office in Wijchen, but throughout the whole Group as well.
The CRM package would also have to be integrated with our existing ERP software. SuperOffice provided Synprodo with a partner that was able to meet our wide range of needs and requirements.
Der Vertrieb und die Administration können den ganzen Vertriebsprozess, von der Angebotserstellung bis zur Bestellung nachvollziehen.
Die Lösung
Thanks to the wide range of options offered by the application, we have been able to modify SuperOffice so that colleagues in Sales can simply take over each other’s activities if someone is away.
Integration with the email client means that communication can be easily archived, partly because contact persons are immediately identified and the correct company or relationship immediately shown. This is linked to our ERP system, which ensures that any alterations are transferred directly to SuperOffice.
Der Erfolg
With SuperOffice we have established an efficient workflow that meets our sales needs in particular.
Information can be viewed centrally and is recorded in a uniform way. Reminders and lists specific to particular employees are largely a thing of the past, as they are now stored centrally and are available to all employees. SuperOffice helps us to serve both our valued and potential customers in a professional and ‘Synproactive’ manner!
Der Kundennutzen auf einen Blick
- Vollständige und konsistente Kundenprofile
- Informationen werden zentral abgelegt und in der Frima zugänglich
- Proaktiver Zugang zum Kunden
- Anfragen und Folgeaufgaben, können auf Projektebene erfasst werden
Andere relevante Referenzen
Boix Europe
Die Zusammenarbeit mit SuperOffice ist stark. Es ist nicht nur ein Lieferant, es ist ein Partner. Wir haben eine persönliche Beziehung aufgebaut.
SuperOffice CRM ist das Gehirn von CASEA. Es schützt unsere Unternehmenswerte, erschliesst neue Geschäftspotenziale und schafft einen wertvollen Mehrwert.
Printed Cup Company
Ich wüsste nicht, wie wir ohne SuperOffice arbeiten könnten