SuperOffice ermöglicht es uns, noch einzigartiger zu sein

Die Herausforderung
The De Vos Groep Facility & Support presents itself with well motivated and professional services in the areas of core support, maintenance, cleaning, catering, IT services, front office services, facade cleaning & ESD protection and control.
Ein Projekt von SuperOffice Benelux (
De Vos Groep first saved relational data in various electronic card-index boxes. Subsequently, they developed their own (Access) database where customer data and the corresponding contacts were linked and the activities were also linked relationally. The system was adequate during some years but it later became apparent that it had to be adjusted and extended regularly which meant that the wheel had to be re-invented on a regular basis. The undocumented database which was developed in-house also included a risk factor. The back office and/or administration did not have a completely project orientated approach at the time, which meant that management information was not always complete or on time.
From the start the organisation took the option of matching the available financial data with the corresponding relational data into consideration. This would make it easier for the various account managers to view the filtered projectlinked financial information and the information for their own department. De Vos Groep also wanted to be able to easily open customer information such as relevant correspondence, reports and quality measurements via Internet access.
SuperOffice is the ideal addition to allow us to distinguish ourselves even further
Die Lösung
De Vos requirements were translated by the ANS Groep through extensive layout options into a multipurpose information system. Various variables were set to allow the SuperOffice database data to be linked at any time in the future with the corresponding financial project data.
It was relatively easy to implement these links using standard reporting tools such as Crystal Reports. SuperOffice also provided a useful addition through the document links that are created by the application. Our relations can use an Internet browser to log into our CRM database using the SuperOffice Audience module. They can view the relevant data from anywhere.
Der Erfolg
All important contact moments but also sales results and e-mail traffic are recorded in the database by, for example, the various account managers on a department and object level where correspondence and customer reports are registered in Word or Excel files using the prepared templates.
The Outlook calendar on our Exchange servers and the SuperOffice calendars are synchronised on a server level to ensure that users have up-to-date information on appointments even when no the move.
Another nice addition was that all the relevant contact data for an appointment can be synchronised to a PDA. De Vos Groep has an ISO certificate and has also implemented SuperOffice to document a number of elements. For example, the mandatory supplier assessments and visitor reports are registered using SuperOffice. Printing a report provides an overview of elements that require additional attention.
Der Kundennutzen auf einen Blick
- Up-to-date relation and contact information
- Uniform method of operation for all subsidiary companies
- Relations have direct access to reports via SuperOffice Audience
- Insight into customer needs through extensive analysis options
Andere relevante Referenzen
Media Focus
SuperOffice führt alle relevanten Informationen und Bedürfnisse einer Firma an einem Ort zusammen.
klingler consultants ag
Die SuperOffice Dashboards bringen mir als visuellem Menschen sehr viel, um einen schnellen Überblick zu erfahren über alles was aktuell geschieht. Und es ist wirklich einfach. Wenn man mehr als zweimal klickt, hat man etwas falsch gemacht.
Ca. 30% Zeitersparnis bei der täglichen Arbeit Dank SuperOffice CRM