Kaikilla SuperOfficen johtoryhmäläisillä on vahva CRM-tausta. He olivat mukana luomassa uutta, asiakkuuksien johtamiseen perustuvaa CRM-bisnestä 1990-luvun alkupuolella. Johtoryhmä siis tuntee CRM:n sielunmaailman perin pohjin ja tietää, mitä erinomaisen CRM-järjestelmän luominen vaatii.

Johtoryhmän sydän sykkii edelleen CRM-järjestelmille, mutta eniten heitä työssään innostaa se, että voimme tarjota asiakkaillemme ylivertaista CRM-tuotetta jatkossakin.

  • Lars Engbork, CEO – Chief Executive Officer

    Lars Engbork aloitti SuperOfficen toimitusjohtajana vuonna 2024. Ennen SuperOfficeen tuloaan hän toimi Visma e-conomicin toimitusjohtajana, jossa hänellä oli merkittävä rooli Visman kasvussa, johtaen 450 työntekijän tiimiä ja palvellen 200 000 yritysasiakasta. Lars on myös toiminut Oraclen pohjoismaisena innovaatiojohtajana ja useissa johtajatehtävissä SimCorpissa. Hän opiskeli Copenhagen Business Schoolissa ja hänellä on MBA-tutkinto Henley Business Schoolista. Lars neuvoo Tanskan teollisuus-, elinkeino- ja finanssiministeriötä keskittyen byrokraattisten esteiden vähentämiseen liiketoiminnan tehostamiseksi.

  • Ole Erlend Vormeland, CFO – Chief Financial Officer

    Ole Erlend Vormeland tuli SuperOfficelle vuonna 2006. Talousjohtajana hän keskittyy hallinnoimaan SuperOffice Groupin taloudellisia riskejä ja vastaa muun muassa vaatimustenmukaisuudesta, taloudellisesta suunnittelusta, kirjanpidosta, analytiikasta, kassavirran hallinnasta ja talousraportoinnista. Lisäksi hänen vastuullaan ovat asiakkaita palvelevat taloushallinnon prosessit. Ole Erlend harrastaa ulkoilulajeja, erityisesti murtomaahiihtoa ja pyöräilyä. Hän tekee vapaaehtoistyötä paikallisessa laskettelukerhossa ja toivoo, että seuraava sukupolvi innostuu samalla tavalla ulkoilusta.

  • Thomas Rødseth, CPTO – Chief Product and Technology Officer

    Thomas Rødseth is the Chief Product and Technology Officer (CPTO) at SuperOffice. With extensive experience leading product and technology teams in similar SaaS startups and scale ups, Thomas is focused on enhancing SuperOffice's customer-centric products through automation and streamlined customer dialogue. He aims to create smarter solutions for current and future customers, prioritizing exceptional user experiences.

  • Camilla Heidenreich Bommen, CSO – Chief Solutions Officer

    Camilla Heidenreich Bommen is the Chief Solutions Officer, responsible for driving the strategy and vision for Consulting in SuperOffice. She is an experienced leader with 25+ years of experience within sales, consulting, and technology. She previously held the position of Managing Director of SuperOffice Norway and before this, she was Consulting Director for Norway. Camilla holds a Master of Business and Economics, specializing in Organizational Psychology. She is passionate about helping companies grow and increase their competitiveness through CRM.

  • Bettina Isabelle Berntsen, CMO – Chief Marketing Officer

    Bettina Berntsen is the CMO of SuperOffice. With over a decade of expertise in marketing and sales, specializing in B2B SaaS, Bettina spearheads growth journeys through innovative marketing strategies and programs. Together with her team, she is committed to launch impactful initiatives that propel SuperOffice to new heights in the competitive landscape of CRM platform solutions.

  • Erlend Mohus, Strategy Director & Head of Sustainability Committee

    Erlend heads up the overall corporate strategy for SuperOffice and works across the organization to help determine where we as a company should go, and how we can get there. Erlend has a background from engineering and economics and applies mathematics and facts with strategic thinking to help the company solve complex challenges in a logic way. One of those challenges is sustainability, where Erlend is helping to determine how we address the future through heading up our sustainability committee. When not working he spends his time outdoors where he is active on a range of activities, but you’ll most likely find him in the mountains with skis or doing some type of competitive sport.

  • Jessica Hartenberger, Head of People

    Jessica joined SuperOffice as the first Head of People in early 2022. She brings over 15 years of experience within HR and holds an MBA from the Norwegian School of Economics (NHH). She is dedicated to shaping the employe experience and driving strategic initiatives that ensure people can be themselves, thrive and grow.

  • Julija Ražanskienė, Managing Director – SuperOffice UAB

    Julija joined SuperOffice Customer Experience Center back in 2016. Over time her tasks shifted more and more from being a pure product specialist to more people and project management direction. Earning team‘s trust by creating a safe work environment, improving operational efficiency and focusing on knowledge growth opportunities is her main task today. Julija’s educational background is mixed covering socialanthropological development and linguistic studies both in Norway and Lithuania as well as deepening her knowledge in the field of software technologies. Outside of work Julija is all about her family and friends.